What is ShopMonopoly? |
ShopMonopoly is a 5-star *all inclusive* ecom business platform featuring our robust, proprietary (patent pending) ecom store generating software - enabling you to create and market unlimited "Shopify" style ecom stores in as little as 20 minutes each (far faster than your typical professional ecom store).
Another significant feature is our ShopMonopoly Marketplace,
where our shop owners are able to list their stores and
products for FREE. What this does is enable you to get
FREE traffic and customers from around the world - 24-7 -
with ZERO fees deducted from your sales (unlike Etsy,
Wish, Amazon, etc, which all deduct significant fees
from your sales).
As a special bonus we're currently running, we even
give you free ecom product campaigns complete with
drop ship sources, product images, product descriptions,
and more...on some of the hottest selling products online
(a $1,200+ real world value - yours FREE by joining today).
EVERYTHING you need to succeed online is right here,
all in one place - and all for a jaw droppingly low fee.

How much money can I make with ShopMonopoly? |
ShopMonopoly is not a get rich quick scheme and we can't legally or ethically "guarantee" you'll make money. That being said, ShopMonopoly was built from the ground up to enable users to build UNLIMITED profitable ecom stores - resulting in an unlimited home-based online income. Our stores have been rigorously tested and *proven* to make money (as you can see first hand in our video presentation).
There is no cap or limit to how much you can make.

I'm a total noob. Can I still benefit with ShopMonopoly?! |
Our ecom store building software and accompanying marketplace (and more!) is for anybody and everybody looking to generate a full or part time income online - regardless of experience level. You can have your own profit-ready store(s) up and running in just minutes even if you're a total newbie to online marketing and business. |

Will this work on a Mac? |
ShopMonopoly is cloud-based software that you access when you log in to your member area, meaning it will work on any device and any operating system - including your phone. So yes, it will definitely work on a Mac. ;) |

Are there any upsells or hidden fees? |
There are no hidden fees whatsoever. We do offer several account customization options following your initial order, but they are entirely optional. We recommend you check them out carefully, and simply pass on them if you don't think they'll benefit your online business. |

Will I get good support if needed? |
Always. We offer support Monday through Friday through our ticket center and never miss a ticket. If and when you have questions or need help, rest assured we'll be here for you. |

What about traffic? How do I get traffic? |
All members have the ability to receive unlimited FREE traffic through the ShopMonopoly Marketplace (which appears directly on our public home page at ShopMonopoly.com)! When you create a new store through your ShopMonopoly account we'll include it in the Marketplace for FREE, and as a result you'll begin receiving unlimited traffic on autopilot.
Secondly, ShopMonopoly is one of the only (if not THE only) ecom store apps designed to integrate with JVZoo.com and/or Clickbank.com - two of the most popular affiliate networks online. This enables you to attract FREE "affiliates" to your offer. Affiliates are simply people (virtually anybody) willing to promote your stores in exchange for a cut of your profits. The beauty of this arrangement is that you only pay affiliate commissions AFTER sales are generated, so in that sense your affiliate traffic is "free." Although you're paying a percentage of your profit to affiliates, it's not an up front expense. It's purely RESULTS based. Clickbank and JVZoo also have AUTOMATED tools that make paying your affiliate commissions a snap. They
track all sales FOR you, etc, and Clickbank even mails
checks out to you and your affiliates for free.
Thirdly, we have another SECRET traffic method only revealed once you're inside your ShopMonopoly member area. It's dead EASY traffic. Anybody can get it. But the best part is that it's BUYER traffic - NOT junk traffic that gets you clicks but no sales. |

Thanks for visiting ShopMonopoly! NOW is the time to order (during our launch) because ShopMonopoly memberships will be $20 per MONTH (instead of a $20 one time fee) after our launch discount ends. Lock in for a one time fee RIGHT NOW while you still have the chance. |